Kampyle - Online Feedback capture and analytics
I've been using and recommending Kampyle for a while now.
It started as a very simple widget that sat over your webpage for users to click, and than enter their comments. That data is then collected and collated for reviewing and assessing in your online account.
The widget. The stock standard orange is not the only option you have. You can customise the colour, the icon, and the positioning on the page.
The feedback panel. The feedback panel is also fully customisable. The questions you ask, the # of questions, the type of icons. Each question can have sub-categories to make it easier for the user to pin-point the opinion that best represents what they are trying to say quite quickly.
The User. There's a number of approaches you can use to present and solicit feedback from users. There is the option to place it only on specific pages, or all pages and you have the opportunity to activate a pop-up after a certain time when a user is on your site. Personally I found the last option quite intrusive. Particularly if i'm in the middle of reading an article - the action breaks my focus, pisses me off and i'm now not in the mood to give you clear feedback.
On www.kampyle.com there's a number of great examples where business's have been able to make pro-active changes to improve the user experience. In Australia on a couple of the portals I worked on we only had small responses over periods of two weeks at a time. The site section we applied the widget too received 2500 UV's/ month but we only received 12 responses. The average monthly traffic for that site is around 80,000 UVs / month. Once that section had been up for 6 months we put the widget back up for a month, but still only solicited 27 responses. Our targeted community is not very active on the site normally so we didn't expect very much. We have very good 'standard' streams of feedback channels; online - help, contact us, Facebook - and offline - call us!! We have good two-way communication through these channels already so it was no stress not to have a high response rate.
Do you use Kampyle? What are Kampyle's benefits?