Lead the day!
Leading great teams starts with showing appreciation in the first conversation of everyday. More leaders who intentionally shape the conversations for their teams see better outcomes achieved more often.
Managers are accessible, Leaders are approachable.
Often leaders believe they are the embodiment of an ‘open-door’ policy. There is a big gap between leaders who say they are accessible and those who are actually approachable.
Let Your Inbox Go!
Don't be driven by other peoples agenda, your inbox is not your to do list! Too many managers are losing time to lazy emails, handball hot potatoes and digital conversations that can be in person and in half the time.
Learning is a key pillar of company profit growth
The Silk Road First Embraced learning as a business growth strategy
Trust in Crisis? Start the Trust Building Cycle
15 years researching global trust trends Edelman researchers declared in 2017 “Trust in Crisis”. The dependency on business leaders to guide social confidence is greater than ever. Learn how to grow high trust in your teams with the Trust Building Cycle
What the trust?
Trust is often a misunderstood tool in our relationship kit.Is it a feeling? Is it a thought? Is it earned? Is it a gift?
Power of breathing to improve leaders performance
Cheap and powerful technique in your leadership arsenal is the ability to control your breathing to activate the relaxation response.
Liberated Mind
A liberated leader is free-from the constraints of the environment, conditioning and experience. Such leaders act powerfully regardless of the tornado around them. Becoming one starts with developing the liberated mind free-from the constraints of the environment, conditioning and experience.
Ten attributes of a good Scrum Master
Being a good scrum master and becoming a great agile leader takes discipline, patience and practice. It's not a journey to be the master of servants, but rather a journey to master Human Whispering.
Lean Business in Community Services
Dissolving the day to day panic often faced by passionate yet tired staff of community services organisations can seem quite overwhelming.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Innovation Review
Top Ten Success Elements of Facebook and start-up innovators. A list inspired by a rare capture of Mark Zuckerberg on innovation, being a successful leader, why was Facebook successful compared to others who had the same concept?
Carly Fiorina
This recording was done a while back and would easily be the BEST expression and summary of key traits, behaviours and elements of great leadership- of not only companies but also of humanity.
Inspiring Entrepreneurs – Dominic Orr
Dominc Orr: Startups - the need for speed Stanford university: thought leadership entrepreneurs series. President & CEO of Aruba networks.
Inspiring Entrepreneurs – Shai Agassi
Inspiring Entrepreneur Shai Agassi Stanford Talk teaches about the challenges of leadership, investment and pivoting in an agile lean startup