Transitioning Project Manager to Scrum Master
The characteristics to be a Scrum Master don’t include the pre-requisite to be a dictating leader. However, as many software development departments are transitioning to Agile Delivery methodologies they are starting with the Project Management Office. Project managers are required to be organizers, strong leaders with an inherent level of logic to be able to direct the team and allocate out the tasks. In contrast Scrum Masters are servants to the outcomes and the scrum team is self-organising, so therefore collectively self-directing.
Product Innovation - take the rubbish out
Product innovation is easy when applying scrum methodology to build your product roadmap. Three steps to set the foundation that will allow productive innovation product delivery!
Search Trends in Australia
It's amazing to see the keyword search trends in Australia on Google Insights The most popular search items are dominated by social networking!
Lean Business in Community Services
Dissolving the day to day panic often faced by passionate yet tired staff of community services organisations can seem quite overwhelming.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Innovation Review
Top Ten Success Elements of Facebook and start-up innovators. A list inspired by a rare capture of Mark Zuckerberg on innovation, being a successful leader, why was Facebook successful compared to others who had the same concept?
Old Spice New Marketing
The legendary revival of the Old Spice brand and products through the Isaiah Mustafa you tube videos would have to be one of the best this side of the turn of the century.
Carly Fiorina
This recording was done a while back and would easily be the BEST expression and summary of key traits, behaviours and elements of great leadership- of not only companies but also of humanity.